UConn, Google, NORDITA Experts Team Up on Qubits

UCONN TODAY — UConn physicists have partnered with Google Quantum AI and Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics (NORDITA) quantum experts on a groundbreaking paper on the effects of gravitation on quantum information systems.

Physics Prof. Alexander Balatsky of the UConn Quantum Initiative developed the paper with Pedram Roushan, Google’s project leader on qubits in the artificial intelligence division on quantum computing and simulation. UConn and NORDITA post-doctoral fellow Patrick Wong and NORDITA’s Joris Schaltegger were also co-authors and researchers on the paper.

The researchers demonstrated that classical gravitation has a non-trivial influence on computing hardware. They investigated the interaction of qubits – basic units of quantum information – with a classical gravitational field.

The findings could prove impactful to quantum technology, a field in which UConn has established as a research priority with potential transformative implications for the state.

“We live in the era of global technology race to universal quantum computation,” Balatsky says. “Our research reveals that the same finely tuned qubits engineered to process information can serve as precise sensors—so sensitive, in fact, that future quantum chips may double as practical gravity sensors. This approach is opening a new frontier in quantum technology.”

The team wrote a manuscript of the findings that has been accepted for publication in Physical Review, a respected peer-reviewed journal. The paper, entitled “Quantum Sensing from Gravity as Universal Dephasing Channel for Qubits,” was published January 7 in Physical Review A.

Gravitation is a fundamental force of nature which is ever present in the universe. However, it is extremely weak and is generally disregarded when analyzing quantum systems situated near the surface of Earth.  Although relatively small, the effects of gravitation are still present.

For qubits, the effect of gravitation is to slightly detune the energy levels between its 0 and 1 states depending on its height in the gravitational field, Wong explains. On a single qubit basis, this effect is essentially irrelevant as it simply rescales the energy level.

Team research shows that a qubit can produce nontrivial effects when considering an ensemble of many qubits at different heights, such as on a quantum computing chip which vertically aligned, such as in the case for the Google Sycamore chip.

The work quantifies the effect that gravitation has on quantum information systems, such as the qubits of a quantum computer. Gravitation leads to a novel dephasing channel for qubits, which can then be error corrected or read out for use as a sensor. Although the magnitude of this effect is negligible for current technology, the effect scales with the physical size of the system and the number of qubits involved.

“Gravitation is an effect which cannot be naturally shielded against, in contrast to external electromagnetic radiation,” says Wong. “As quantum technology advances in complexity of its devices, the effect which may prove impactful in quantum technologies down the road.”

The team envisions special-purpose qubit chip designs whose optimized layouts dramatically enhance gravitational sensing capabilities, an advance that could ultimately enable GPS-free navigation

UConn has emerged as a leader in research and applications for quantum technology with significant focus on applications such as quantum sensing. Faculty members and students are conducting numerous projects throughout the University and in partnership with leading Connecticut companies and governmental offices.

QuantumCT exemplifies UConn’s commitment to the transformative capability of quantum science. Yale University is co-lead on the initiative that includes dozens of partners across Connecticut, with the goal of making the state the nation’s lead quantum accelerator.

The National Science Foundation has named QuantumCT a finalist for potentially billions in grant funding through its Engines Development program. The initiative is already funding many projects across the state.

UConn has also begun an important partnership with the renowned Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). Scientists and engineers from the LANL visited UConn in November for a workshop exploring where their respective research priorities intersect. Quantum technology was one of the main topics of the workshop, which Balatsky organized in consultation with the OVPR.

“Quantum technologies multiply across diverse fields and quantum sensing stands out as a near-term, practical application,” Balatsky says. “We hope UConn and QuantumCT will help to create a virtuous cycle—one where new uses feed innovation, and innovation expands possibility—ultimately affirming quantum as a transformative force shaping the future quantum industry at Connecticut and nationwide.”


Read the original article by Matt Engelhardt on UConn Today.

Physics Colloquium 02/16: Josiah Sinclair (MIT, MIT-Harvard CUA)

A new platform for quantum science: programmable arrays of single atoms inside an optical cavity

– 02/16 – 3:30pm – Gant West, GW-002 –

Abstract: Recently, programmable arrays of single atoms have emerged as a leading platform for quantum computing and simulation with experiments demonstrating control over hundreds of atoms [1]. Interfacing an atom array with a high-quality optical cavity promises even greater control and new capabilities. By coupling atoms to an optical cavity, we can more efficiently collect light from each atom improving detection. In addition, an optical cavity can be used to efficiently entangle many atoms in a single step relying on a novel technique called counterfactual carving [2]. I will describe our progress towards the goal of detecting and correcting errors on a register of Rubidium atoms selectively coupled to a large-waist optical cavity. Beyond detecting errors, applying corrections requires real-time feedback, and I will present a simple experiment demonstrating that fast feedback on microsecond timescales can already improve measurement fidelity. Finally, I will describe our accidental realization that we can use our cavity to directly observe collisions between pairs of trapped atoms in real time.

[1] Dolev Bluvstein et al. “Logical quantum processor based on reconfigurable atom
arrays”. In: Nature (Dec. 2023).
[2] Joshua Ramette et al. “Counter-factual carving exponentially improves entangled-state fidelity”. In: Arxiv preprint arXiv:2401.11407 (2024).

High-Temperature Superconductors – With a Twist?

UCONN TODAY — Superconductors, which are materials that allow perfect, lossless flow of electrons through them, have intrigued physicists for decades. But most superconductors only exhibit this quantum-mechanical peculiarity at temperatures so low – a few degrees above absolute zero –as to render them impractical. Moreover, exotic forms of superconductivity, some of which have yet to be realized experimentally, may form the building blocks of future quantum technologies.

A research team led by Harvard Professor of Physics and Applied Physics Philip Kim has demonstrated a new strategy for making and manipulating a widely studied class of high-temperature superconductors, called cuprates, clearing a path to engineering new, unusual forms of superconductivity in previously unattainable materials.

The team worked with colleagues at the University of British Columbia led by Marcel Franz and Rutgers University led by Jed Pixley, whose teams previously performed theoretical calculations that accurately predicted the behavior of the cuprate superconductor in a wide range of twist angles. Reconciling the experimental observations with theoretical expectations also required new theory developments reported in the work, performed by Quantum Initiative physicist Pavel A. Volkov.

“Cuprates are complex materials that to this day host some of the most intriguing open puzzles in condensed matter physics,” says Volkov. “Taking some of this complexity into account is crucial for understanding the behavior of cuprate-based devices. Constructing models to analyze the experimental data, we could show that outcomes from completely different types of experiments all point to the existence of an exotic form of superconductivity in these devices – time-reversal breaking superconductivity.”

Using a uniquely low-temperature device fabrication method, the researchers report in the journal Science a promising candidate for the world’s first high-temperature, superconducting diode – essentially, a switch that makes current flow in one direction – made out of thin cuprate crystals. Such a device could theoretically fuel fledging industries like quantum computing, which rely on fleeting quantum mechanical phenomena that are difficult to sustain in any meaningful way.

“Our work shows that high-temperature superconducting diodes are, in fact, possible, without application of magnetic fields, and opens new doors of inquiry toward exotic materials study,” says Kim.

Cuprates are copper oxides that, decades ago, upended the physics world by showing they become superconducting at much higher temperatures than theorists had thought possible, “higher” being relative: the current record for a cuprate superconductor is -225 Fahrenheit (130 Kelvin, or -142 Celsius). However, handling these materials without destroying their superconducting phases is extremely complex due to their intricate electronic and structural features.

The team’s experiments were led by S. Y. Frank Zhao, a postdoctoral researcher at MIT. Using an air-free, cryogenic crystal manipulation method in ultrapure argon, Zhao engineered a clean interface between two extremely thin layers of the cuprate bismuth strontium calcium copper oxide, nicknamed BSCCO (“bisco”) by insiders. BSCCO is considered a “high-temperature” superconductor because it starts superconducting at about -288 Fahrenheit (95 Kelvin, or -177 Celsius) – very cold by practical standards, but astonishingly high among superconductors, which typically must be cooled to below -400 Fahrenheit.

Zhao first split the BSCCO into two layers, each one-thousandth the width of a human hair. Then, at -130 Fahrenheit, he stacked the two layers at a 45-degree twist, like an ice cream sandwich with askew wafers, retaining superconductivity at the fragile interface.

The team discovered that the maximum supercurrent that can be passed without resistance through the interface is different depending on the current’s direction. Crucially, the team also demonstrated electronic control over the interfacial quantum state by reversing this polarity. This control was what effectively allowed them to make a switchable, high-temperature superconducting diode – a demonstration of foundational physics that could one day be incorporated into a piece of computing technology, such as a quantum bit.

“These results open a new chapter in the cuprate story – the one where new forms of superconductivity can be realized on demand. Miniaturizing these devices can make them new ingredients in existing quantum computing platforms. Another exciting future prospect is the realization of the elusive topological superconductivity, predicted theoretically in twisted superconductors, a coveted ingredient for fault-tolerant quantum technologies,” says Volkov.

Read the original article on UConn Today.

S. Y. Frank Zhao et al., “Time-reversal symmetry breaking superconductivity between twisted cuprate superconductors.” Science 382, 1422 (2023).

CSE Colloquium 11/07: Kenneth Goodenough (UMass Amherst)

On noise in swap ASAP repeater chains: exact analytics, distributions and tight approximations

– 11/07 – 12:00pm – HBL Instruction 1102 –

Abstract: Losses are one of the main bottlenecks for the distribution of entanglement in quantum networks, which can be overcome by the implementation of quantum repeaters. The most basic form of a quantum repeater chain is the swap ASAP repeater chain. In such a repeater chain, elementary links are generated and swapped as soon as two adjacent links have been generated. As each entangled state is waiting to be swapped, decoherence is experienced, lowering the fidelity of the state. The aim of this project is to understand the total amount of decoherence experienced. We find analytical expressions for the average noise and its distribution for a small number of links. Furthermore, by exploiting tools from analytic combinatorics we find exponentially tight approximations on the average noise. Finally, we also use methods from statistical physics to numerically calculate quantities of interest for the inhomogeneous case. Our tools can be used to understand and optimize the performance of near-term quantum communication systems.

Bio: Dr. Kenneth Goodenough is a postdoctoral researcher under Don Towsley at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. During his PhD with David Elkouss at QuTech he has worked on near-term repeater schemes, and afterwards focused on distillation and error correction. Currently he is interested in understanding the mathematical structures behind noisy quantum systems.

Laying the Foundation for Carbon Dioxide Reduction

UCONN TODAY — Quantum Initiative professor Baikun Li has recently published a paper on applying groundbreaking techniques to convert carbon dioxide emissions into renewable energy sources.

The researchers’ findings were recently published the Royal Society of Chemistry’s esteemed Energy and Environmental Science Journal.

Environmental engineering professor Baikun Li led a 12-person interdisciplinary team exploring the process of electrochemical CO2 reduction. In addition to supporting UConn’s priority research goal of climate change mitigation, it also achieved an interdisciplinary collaboration comprised of several schools and colleges. The effort featured faculty and grad students from environmental engineering, materials science and engineering, electrical and computer engineering, chemistry, and more.

“Climate change is one of the world’s most pressing challenges,” says Pamir Alpay, UConn’s Vice President for Research, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship and a co-author on the manuscript whose group worked on the atomistic modeling of the surface reactions of catalytic processes. “This study works to reduce our carbon footprint through carefully designed experimental work with sophisticated multi-scale modeling. “The resulting reduction in carbon dioxide benefits our planet and exemplifies UConn’s research priorities.”

The interdisciplinary team of 12 UConn researchers explored the process of electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction.

Each year, the extraction and burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas releases more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than natural processes can remove. The carbon dioxide can remain for thousands of years, trapping heat and warming the Earth’s surface.

In 2019, Li and the team set out to understand the fundamental mechanisms of CO2 reduction. Electrochemical CO2 reduction is the conversion of carbon dioxide into a hydrocarbon fuel through a chemical reaction. It represents a future possibility where humans could generate gasoline, aviation fuel, and other useful substances using carbon dioxide captured from the air — reducing greenhouse gas emissions while providing a sustainable energy source.

“What we really want to achieve in the future is the complete cycle of carbon,” says Xingyu Wang, an environmental engineering Ph.D. student who worked on the team. “One of the biggest questions we aim to explore is, ‘How can we utilize the carbon dioxide that already exists in the atmosphere without exploiting existing resources here on Earth?’”

It’s a question that many research studies aim to answer. But few break down electrochemical CO2 reduction to the most fundamental level: the reaction.

The chemical reaction that converts CO2 gas into other chemical feedstocks happens under the action of a metal catalyst. Polymers bonded to the surface of the catalyst help stabilize and promote the reaction by keeping metal nanoparticles in place.

For example, Li says that copper is a well-known catalyst for CO2 reduction, but it does not absorb CO2 easily. By coating the surface of the copper with a polymer called polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), the team was able to change the polarity of the surface and improve CO2 gas absorption.

“In our study, we laid the foundation for the exploration of other polymers,” says Li. “Later on, other researchers can use the fundamental modeling in our work to study other molecule polymers based on what we have discovered so far.”

Another value of this study is its cost effectiveness. CO2 reduction can be achieved through expensive manufacturing pathways or relatively simple methods like this one, says Wang.

“Our study shows that we do not need to rely on the most expensive methods. We can achieve the same goal through this mixture of organic and inorganic material,” Wang says.

The team is one of many interdisciplinary collaborations across UConn that addess climate change mitigation and seek sustainable fuel sources. Li and her team have won a Convergence Award for Research in Interdisciplinary Centers (CARIC) for their work across quantum technology and climate change. The team is working with the Physics Department to develop an animation of the process for educational purposes within the industry.

“The broad impact of this methodology doesn’t only apply to CO2 reduction,” Li says. “It has countless applications, but we used CO2 reduction as an example of how we can use quantum level modeling for potential future research.”

Read the original article by Christie Wang on UConn Today.

X. Wang et al., “Deciphering electrochemical interactions in metal–polymer catalysts for CO2 reduction,” Energy Environ. Sci., 16, 4388 (2023)

Seminar 11/03: Hennadii Yerzhakov (Nordita)

Quenched random-mass disorder in the critical Gross-Neveu-Yukawa Models

– 11/03 – 1:00pm – S213K –

Abstract: In the clean limit, continuous symmetry-breaking quantum phase transitions in 2D Dirac materials such as graphene and surfaces of 3D topological insulators are described by (2+1)D critical Gross-Neveu-Yukawa (GNY) models. In this talk, I will present our results of the study of the effects of quenched random-mass disorder, both short- and long-range correlated, on the universal critical properties of the Ising, XY, and Heisenberg GNY models. The problem was studied via the application of the replica renormalization group combined with a controlled triple epsilon expansion below four dimensions. Among interesting results, we find new finite-disorder quantum critical and multicritical points and an instance of the supercritical Hopf bifurcation in the renormalization-group flow, which is accompanied by the birth of a stable limit cycle corresponding to discrete scale invariance.

Time permitting, I will lay out a picture of possible percolation of the topological phase in the ferroelectric superconductors subjected to magnetic field.

UConn hosts first “Quantum Consortium” meeting of Quantum CT

THE DAILY CAMPUS — The research co-op Quantum CT hosted its first “Quantum Consortium” at the University of Connecticut’s Innovation Partnership Building on Tuesday, Oct. 3.

The meeting is the first to “bring the hundred plus (quantum) faculty under one roof,” said Jit Banerjee, UConn’s associate vice president for research innovation and entrepreneurship.

The conference was attended by experts from a vast array of fields, each sharing their unique perspectives during roundtable discussions.

“We are a team,” stated quantum technologies program specialist Sanjeev Nayak, who emphasized that the “overarching goal is more important than one individual’s perspective of Quantum.”

The goal, as defined by UConn’s vice president for research, Pamir Alpay, is to “build up a regional innovation engine,” through the consolidated effort of the Quantum CT program.

Quantum CT, a partnership between UConn, Yale and a host of other research institutions, businesses and local governments, seeks to “greatly expedite the advancement of quantum technologies, leading to substantial long-term economic benefits for the state,” according to the project’s website.

The program commenced in May of this year, supported by a million-dollar grant from the National Science Foundation for the purpose of researching the potential applications of emergent quantum technologies. The team is now tasked with “putting together a winning proposal,” stated Alpay, who leads the interdisciplinary researchers as they compete for a $160 million NSF implementation grant.

“We want to have projects that we aggressively succeed at,” said business development manager Mike DiDonato, imploring the audience of researchers to organize their efforts as they face off against over 40 other teams nationwide.

The present successes of the team in quantum sensing, cryptography, materials and more have not gone unnoticed, however; the program boasts partnerships with a growing list of high-profile industry leaders including Microsoft, Raytheon Technologies and Boehringer Ingelheim.

Among the many challenges faced by the task force, perhaps the most difficult is demonstrating to business interests how the little-understood realm of quantum technologies will disrupt the current market – for better or worse.

A critical point expressed by participants of the consortium is the transformative effect quantum technologies will have on businesses: Those who can leverage its capabilities will experience growth, while those who neglect its potential will be outcompeted.

The current stage of quantum interest is limited in scope, and scientists must now confront the task of “unraveling information for companies” to integrate into real-world applications, said Banerjee.

In one discussion regarding workforce development and education in the quantum age, experts inspectors ranging from fine arts to physics evaluated the best methods for creating a quantum-literate population.

Group chairs Caroline Dealy, Jason Hancock, and Morgaen Donaldson were joined by many in advocating for quantum awareness. Talks about educating the future and current workforce with courses ranging from the high school to postgraduate level, alongside a general education effort such as the upcoming Quantum Awareness Day on Dec. 14, lay the groundwork for advancing quantum technology’s exposure beyond the lab.

“Our workforce in Connecticut is the best educated and most talented in the nation, trained with the modern skills needed to make the United States an international leader in the research an development of the emerging field of quantum technology,” said Governor Ned Lamont

The current status of quantum research is worryingly underrepresented in the United States, with many indications of foreign labs, including those in China, outperforming the U.S. To this end, the minds behind Quantum CT are tirelessly dedicated to their mission, and, in the words of Yale’s vice provost for research Michael Crair, creating a “quantum corridor in Connecticut.”

Reproduced from the original article in The Daily Campus by Gabriel Duffany.

Seminar 09/29: Alex Tyner (Nordita)

Real space diagnosis of bulk topological invariants

– 09/29 – 12:00pm – S213 K –

Abstract: Significant progress has been made to identify materials hosting topologically non-trivial band structures. Much of this progress is due to advancements in analysis of symmetry indicators. Despite this progress, only a handful of high-quality topological materials are under experimental control. Recent theoretical developments have shown the existence of exotic topological phases invisible to symmetry eigenvalues in experimentally relevant materials, requiring direct identification of the bulk topological invariant. I will present newly developed real-space tools for assignment of the bulk invariant in such systems. It is shown that these methods can be implemented in the presence of disorder and correlations. In addition, these methods can be incorporated into high-throughput DFT studies in the limit of weak correlations, revealing non-trivial topology in multiple experimentally synthesized materials.

The Exciting Possibilities of Tiny, Twisted Superconductors

In two new papers in Physical Review Letters and Physical Review B, UConn Physicist Pavel Volkov and his colleagues propose how to experimentally manipulate quantum quasiparticles in very thin layers of ordinary superconductors to create topological superconductors by slightly twisting the stacked layers.

These materials hold promise for improving materials we use in everyday life, says Volkov. Things already in use that take advantage of the topological states include devices used to set resistance standards with high accuracy. Topological superconductors are also potentially useful in quantum computing, as they serve as a necessary ingredient for proposals of fault-tolerant qubits, the units of information in quantum computing. Volkov also emphasizes the promise topological materials hold for precision physics,

“Topological states are useful because they allow us to do precision measurements with materials. A topological superconductor may allow us to perform such measurements with unprecedented precision for spin (magnetic moment of electron) or thermal properties.”

Read the full press release here.

Seminar 12/08: Joris Schaltegger (Nordita/KTH)

Vortex Excitations of Dirac Bose-Einstein Condensates

– 12/08 – 11:00am – S213 K / Zoom –

Abstract: We explore vortices in non-equilibrium Dirac Bose-Einstein condensates (Dirac BEC) described by a stationary Dirac Gross-Pitaevskii equations (GPE). We find that the multi-component structure of Dirac equation enables the difference in phase winding of two condensates with respective phase winding number differing by one, \(\ell_{a} – \ell_{b} = \pm 1\). We observe three classes of vortex states distinguished by their far-field behavior: A ring soliton on either of the two components in combination with a vortex on the other component, and, in the case of strong inter-component interactions, a vortex profile on both components. The latter are multiple core vortices due to the phase winding difference between the components. We also address the role of a Haldane gap on these vortices, which has a similar effect than inter-component by making the occupation on either sublattice more costly. We employ a numerical shooting method to reliably identify vortex solutions and use it to scan large parts of the phase space. We then use a classification algorithm on the integrated wavefunctions to establish a phase diagram of the different topological sectors.
