Welcome to Quantum Initiative at UConn

Quantum Initiative at UConn is a grassroots interdisciplinary effort to develop collaborations and joint funding in quantum science.  We seek to develop a community and develop a quantum center at UConn through collaboration,  joint seminars, workshops, and outreach events.


  • Physics Colloquium 02/16: Josiah Sinclair (MIT, MIT-Harvard CUA)
    A new platform for quantum science: programmable arrays of single atoms inside an optical cavity – 02/16 – 3:30pm – Gant West, GW-002 – Abstract: Recently, programmable arrays of single atoms have emerged as a leading platform for quantum computing and simulation with experiments demonstrating control over hundreds of atoms [1]. Interfacing an atom array […]
    Posted on February 12, 2024
  • High-Temperature Superconductors – With a Twist?
    UCONN TODAY — Superconductors, which are materials that allow perfect, lossless flow of electrons through them, have intrigued physicists for decades. But most superconductors only exhibit this quantum-mechanical peculiarity at temperatures so low – a few degrees above absolute zero –as to render them impractical. Moreover, exotic forms of superconductivity, some of which have yet […]
    Posted on January 18, 2024
  • CSE Colloquium 11/07: Kenneth Goodenough (UMass Amherst)
    On noise in swap ASAP repeater chains: exact analytics, distributions and tight approximations – 11/07 – 12:00pm – HBL Instruction 1102 – Abstract: Losses are one of the main bottlenecks for the distribution of entanglement in quantum networks, which can be overcome by the implementation of quantum repeaters. The most basic form of a quantum repeater […]
    Posted on November 3, 2023

Upcoming Physics Events

  1. Oct 16 Condensed Matter Physics Seminar 2:00pm
  2. Oct 17 Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Seminar 2:00pm
  3. Oct 18 Graduate Student Seminar 12:15pm
  4. Oct 18 Astronomy Seminar 2:00pm
  5. Oct 18 UConn Physics Colloquium 3:30pm

Contact Us

Alexander V. Balatsky

Email: alexander.balatsky@uconn.edu

Patrick J. Wong

Email: patrick.wong@uconn.edu